Holding the 23rd Annual Conference of Commemorating Mulla Sadra



The 23rd edition of the Annual Conference of Commemorating Mulla Sadra was held on 12 June 2019 on the theme of “Iranian Wisdom and the Transcendent Philosophy” with presence of a number of Iranian masters of philosophy in Adineh Cultural Complex.

After reciting a few verses of the Holy Qur’an and listening to the national anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Conference was inaugurated with a welcome speech by Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. Later he delivered the first speech on the theme of the conference.

From the 122 papers submitted to the Conference Secretariat, 73 of them were selected after being meticulously reviewed, and from among the selected papers, 25 of them were presented in parallel sessions in two salons, which were greatly welcomed by philosophy professors and students, seminary students, high school teachers of philosophy and logic, and other interested people. The Conference was closed at 5.00 pm on the same day.

A pictorial report of this event is available here.


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