18th Conference on the Commemoration Mulla Sadra Entitled “Philosophy and World Peace”


The 18th edition of the conference on commemorating Mulla Sadra was held on 22nd May 2014, on the Day of Mulla Sadra, in order to honor the scientific and philosophical station of this distinguished Iranian philosopher. Like the previous years, several professors, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Islamic philosophy attended the Conference in Adineh Conferences complex.

The theme of this one-day Conference was “Philosophy and World Peace”. After the recitation of some Qur’anic verses and listening to the National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Conference began with a speech delivered by Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, the President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. Some other prominent philosophy professors of the country followed after him.

It is noted that from among the 190 papers received by the Conference Secretariat, the Scientific Council accepted 117 of them and, from among the accepted papers, 33 were presented in parallel sessions in two saloons. The abstracts of other papers were also published in the proceedings of the Conference, which was given to all the participants.

A detailed report of this annual conference and the related pictures will be available in this website in the near future.

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