A Report of the 16th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra


The annual National Conference of “Man and the World in the Transcendent Philosophy” was held on the Mulla Sadra Day on Monday 21st May 2012 in Niyayesh Complex for International Conferences.

This Conference was opened at 8.00 am with reciting some verses from the holy Qur’an and a speech by Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei. The purposes of this Conference are to expand Mulla Sadra’s theoretical and practical philosophy, cosmology, and anthropology, introducing them to Iranian-Islamic society, and institutionalizing wisdom in individual and social life. The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and the Sadra International Society have always sought to study such issues and disseminate them.

This year’s Conference, like always, was welcomed by a large group of university students, professors and researchers in the field of philosophy, and particularly those interested in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy and Iranian Islamic Philosophy. The major themes of Man and the World Conference included: 1. Anthropology (Man’s place in the integrated order of the world, the dignity and rights of man as the divine vicegerent, perfect man’s truth and role, comparative studies of anthropology in the Transcendent philosophy and other schools of philosophy and a critique of them); 2. Cosmology (cosmology in the Transcendent Philosophy, place of matter in the Transcendent philosophy and philosophy of technology, basic principles of empirical sciences in the Transcendent Philosophy); 3. Place and role of philosophy and wisdom in portraying the integrated order of the world, and other related topics.

The 16th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra was held in four sessions during which 21 speeches were delivered. In the first session, the first speaker was Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, the Sadra International Society, and the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy. He made a speech on the “Outlook of the Mutual Relationship between Man and the World.” Dr. Reza Dawari Ardakani (President of the Sciences Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran) and Dr. Seyyed Mustafa Muhaqqiq Damad (law Professor at Shahid Beheshti University) were the next speakers. The subjects of their speeches were “Man in the History of Philosophy” and “Manifestation of Divine Word in Nature in Mulla Sadra”, respectively.

In later sessions some university professors and masters at Qum Seminary delivered their speeches, some of which are as follows:

- A Comparative Study of Man’s Dignity and Rights in the Transcendent Philosophy and Humanistic Schools

- Man’s Relationship with the Realm of Being in Mulla Sadra and Heidegger

- Holy Architecture, Embodiment of the Principle of Correspondence between Man and the World

- Human Truth, All- inclusive and Intermediate Existence

- Man’s Divine Vicegerency in Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy

- Man and the World

- Love of the Essence of the Order of Being in the Transcendent Philosophy

- Man and the World, or Ontology, Psychology, Epistemology, and the Role of Classifying them

- Culture as the Outcome of the Relationship between Man and the World

- Trans-substantial Motion as the basis of the Integration of Being


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