A Review the Programs of 21 May, 2009 Conference


Abstracts and Timetable

13th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra




1. Inauguration Ceremony (Talash Hall)


Meeting Directors: Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, Dr. Muhammed Ilkhani



8.00 am

Beginning the ceremonies, The National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran

8.05 am

Reciting a few verses from the Holy Qur’an

8.10 am

Beginning the Conference and announcing the program by Dr. Muhammed Ilkhani


2. Specialized Meeting of “Philosophy and Training” (Talash Hall)





Place of Occupation

8.25 am

Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

Philosophy of ethics

President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute

8.55 am

Dr. Ali Shariatmadari

A Study of the Bases of the Philosophy of Education and Training

Member of the Supreme Council for cultural Revolution

9.20 am

Dr. Gholamreza A'wani

"Wisdom": The Best Method of Training

President of the Research Institute of Wisdom and Philosophy

9.45 am

Dr. Karim Mujtahidi

Tradition and Training

Tehran University

10.10 am

Coffee Break


3. Specialized Meeting of “Philosophy and Children” (Shabnam Hall)



Meeting Directors: Dr. Qasim Purhassan




Place of Occupation

10.30 am

Dr. Yahya Qaedi

The Essence and Domain of Philosophy Training to Children

Tarbiat Mo‘alem University

10.50 am

Question and answer

11.05 am

Dr. Salih Hassanzadeh

Children and the Ability to Perceive Philosophical Concepts

‘Allamah Tabataba’i University

11.25 am

Question and answer

11.40 am

Dr. Hassan Setayesh

Philosophical Training of Children, Why and How?

Office for Programming and Writing Textbooks


Question and answer

12.15 pm

Dr. Qasim Purhassan

Mulla Sadra and Philosophy for Children

‘Allamah Tabataba'i University

12.35 pm

Question and answer

12.45 pm

Lunch Break


4. Specialized Meeting of “Philosophy and Training” (Talash Hall)


Meeting Directors: Dr. Muhammed Ilkhani, Dr. Aliullah Bedashti




Place of Occupation

14.00 pm

Dr. A’ala Turani

Effect of Philosophical Thought on Man’s Life

Al-Zahra University

14.25 pm

Dr. Sima Muhammedpur Dehkurdi

The Role of Intellectual Training on Protecting Man’s Dignity


14.50 pm

Dr. Aliullah Bedashti

Elements of Rational Growth and its Role in the Growth of Philosophy

Qum University

15.15 pm

Dr. Muhammed Mehdi Gorjian

A Review of the Shortcomings of Philosophy Courses in our Educational System and the Strategies for Developing them

Baqir al-Ulum University

15.40 pm

Coffee Break


5. Specialized Meeting of “Philosophy and Training” (Talash Hall)


Meeting Directors: Dr. Muhammed Ilkhani, Dr. Muhammed Taqi Fa’ali




Place of Occupation

16.00 pm

Dr. Muhammed Akwan

Philosophical Training and the Philosophy of Life

Islamic Azad University, Central Branch

16.25 pm

Dr. Fereshteh Nadri Abyaneh

Philosophical Training and Muslim Philosophers

Bu-Ali Sina University

16.50 pm

Dr. Muhammed Taqi Fa’ali

Three Models for Teaching Religion

Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Research Center

17.15 pm

Dr. Golamhussein Ibrahimi Dinani

Philosophical Training

Tehran University

17.40 pm

Closing Ceremony