Conference on Mulla Sadra ( May 2003 )
Macrocosms and Microcosms in Mulla Sadra's School of Thought

2003 - Tehran



Dr. Karim Mojtahedi

Presence and Existence in Mulla Sadra's Al-Masha'ir

Seyyed Yahya Yathribi

Macrocosms and Microcosms

Mohammad Taqi Fa'ali

Twofold Philosophical Anthropology

Tuba Kermani

Mulla Sadra's Epistemological Background Regarding Macrocosms and Microcosms

Saeed Rahimiyan

Relation of Knowledge to Macrocosm and Microcosms

Jalil Muskarnijad

A Glimpse at the Issues of Macrocosm and Microcosm in Mulla Sadra's School of Thought

Mohammad Bidhendi

Contemplation of Mulla Sadra's Interpretive Reflections in Explaining Man's Relation to the Universe

Reza Akbari

Mulla Sadra's Philosophical Innovations and their Role in the Theory of Macrocosms

Reza Mohammadzadeh

Perfect Man and the most Complete Order, Mulla Sadra's Philosophical Benefits from Gnostic Speculations

Mohammad Javad Rudgar

Philosophical Anthropology in the Horizon of Mulla Sadra's Gnostic-Philosophical Thought

Susan Al-Rasul

Man is Major and the World is Minor

Maqsud Mohammadi

Perfect Man, the Gist of the World of Being

Ali Allah Bedashti

Mulla Sadra's Philosophical Anthropology

Ali Tourani

Meaningfulness and the Fear of Absurdity

Seyyed Abas Hosseini Ghaem Maqami

Intuitive Cognition and the Identity of the Outer and Inner World