Speaker |
Title |
Dr. Karim
Mojtahedi |
Presence and
Existence in Mulla Sadra's Al-Masha'ir |
Seyyed Yahya
Yathribi |
Macrocosms and
Microcosms |
Mohammad Taqi
Fa'ali |
Philosophical Anthropology |
Tuba Kermani
Mulla Sadra's
Epistemological Background Regarding Macrocosms and Microcosms
Saeed Rahimiyan
Relation of Knowledge to
Macrocosm and Microcosms |
Muskarnijad |
A Glimpse at the
Issues of Macrocosm and Microcosm in Mulla Sadra's School of Thought
Bidhendi |
Contemplation of
Mulla Sadra's Interpretive Reflections in Explaining Man's Relation
to the Universe |
Reza Akbari
Mulla Sadra's
Philosophical Innovations and their Role in the Theory of
Macrocosms |
Mohammadzadeh |
Perfect Man and
the most Complete Order, Mulla Sadra's Philosophical Benefits from
Gnostic Speculations |
Mohammad Javad
Rudgar |
Anthropology in the Horizon of Mulla Sadra's Gnostic-Philosophical
Thought |
Susan Al-Rasul
Man is Major and the
World is Minor |
Maqsud Mohammadi
Perfect Man, the Gist of
the World of Being |
Ali Allah
Bedashti |
Mulla Sadra's
Philosophical Anthropology |
Ali Tourani
Meaningfulness and the
Fear of Absurdity |
Seyyed Abas
Hosseini Ghaem Maqami |
Intuitive Cognition and
the Identity of the Outer and Inner World