Conference on: Perception according to Mulla Sadra and Western Schools of Philosophy 12-13 May 2000
University of London
Day one : Friday 12th
May 2000
9:30-10:00 |
Registration |
10:00-10:10 |
Welcome by s. weightman(SOAS) |
10:10-10:30 |
Opening remarks by s. safavi
(//s , SOAS)mullasadra and perception |
Time |
Speaker |
Title |
10.30-10.50 |
J. Morris, University
of Exeter, UK |
Perception and
Intuitive Cognition |
10.50-11.10 |
S. M. Khamenei,
SIPRIn, Iran |
Sense Perception |
11.10- 11.30 |
W. Chittick, State
University of New York, USA |
On the Teleology of
Perception |
11.30- 12.00 |
J. L. Bell, University
of Western Ontario, Canada |
The Logic of
Perception |
12.00- 13.30 |
Panel Discussion |
Panel 2:
Speaker |
Title |
13.30- 13.50 |
W. Chittick, State
University of New York, USA |
Role of Perception
in the Realisation of Spirituality and Truth |
13.50- 14.10 |
M. Araki, Islamic
Centre England, UK |
Truth and Degrees
of Perception in Mulla Sadra's philosophy |
14.10-14.30 |
O. Leaman,
Liverpool John Moores Universdty, UK |
Mulla Sadra,
Perception and knowledge by Presence |
14.30- 15.00 |
L. P. Peerwani,
Al-Hidayat Academy, USA |
Mulla Sadra on
Imaginative Perception and Imaginal World |
15.00- 15.30 |
Panel Discussion |
Time |
Speaker |
Title |
15.30- 15.50 |
E. Wolf-Gazo, American
University in Cairo, Egypt |
Innate Knowledge,
Existence and Intentionality according to Various Philosophers |
15.50- 16.10 |
M. Sanei, University
of Shahid Beheshti, Iran |
Certainty and Innate
Knowledge in Mulla Sadra's Theory of Knowledge and its Comparison to
that of Descartes |
16.10- 16.30 |
R. Akbarian,
University of Tehran, Iran |
Existence as a
Predicate in Kant and Mulla Sadra |
16.30- 17.00 |
J. Lumbard, The George
Washington University, USA |
The Degrees of
Perception in Spiritual realization According to Mulla Sadra |
Panel Discussion |
Day two :saturday
12th May 2000
Pane l:
10:30-10:50 |
Perception :Away perfection
in sadra |
B . kuspinar,McGill
university,Canada |
10:50-11:30 |
Faith and perception in
mulla sadra Doctrin of the sirt :proofs of Islamicity
D.Dakake ,temple university
,USA |
11:10-11:30 |
How is it possible to see
Ghouls in the desert |
C.B onmariage,Catholic
University of Louvain ,Belgium |
11:30-12:00 |
Sadrian Epistemology and the
philosophy of physics |
C.Dagli,the George
Washington university ,USA |
Panel Discussion |
Panel 2:
13.30-13.50 |
Knowledge, Intelligence and True
Reality |
O. Leaman, Liverpool John Moores
Universdty, UK |
13.50-14.10 |
Knowledge as Appropriation vs.
Knowledge as Representation: Mulla Sadra on the Unity of the Knower
and the Known |
I. Kalin, The George Washington
University, USA |
14.10-14.30 |
Sufi Knowledge in Mulla Sadra |
S. Pazeouki, Tehran University, Iran |
14.30-15.00 |
Mulla Sadra form Bosnian Point of View |
N. Kahteran, Department for Philosophy
and Sociology, Bosinia |
15.00-15.30 |
Panel Discussion |
Panel 3:
15.30- 15.50 |
Intuition in
Relation to Perception and Conceptual Knowledge |
B. Kuspinar,
McGill University, Canada |
15.50- 16.10 |
Whitehead, Sadra: Form Sense Impressions to Intuition |
E. Wolf-Gazo,
American University in Cairo, Egypt |
16.10- 16.30 |
Perception and Mystical Vision in Sadra within the Whitheheadean
Context |
A. Acikgnec,
Fatih University, Turkey |
16.30- 17.00 |
Panel Discussion |