Philosophy and Children on Volume 21
Containing Philosophical Concepts in Children Stories (A Case Study of Nakuja Abad Stories for Children)
Zahra Satarpanahi
Zeinab Barkhordari
Story writing enjoys a particular place among the various kinds of literature and owing its role in the growth and training of the basis of thought is of great importance. Shaykh al-Ishraq as a great Iranian and Muslim philosopher and the founder of Illuminationist school of philosophy used story literature for expressing his philosophical and mystical views. Simplifying philosophical concepts and expressing them in children language is among the characteristics of this philosopher that one should take into account in reading his books. To have philosophical, motivational, and debatable content along with challenging nature and referring to certain characters like children and their ways of live are among the various traits of suitable story for "philosophy for children". In 2018- 2019, Saless publications commissioned by UNESCO, published six volumes story books inspired by Suhrawardi thought entitled Nakuja Abad. In a case study these books worked out philosophical concepts in the forms of stories. The nature of philosophical concepts in these stories and the capabilities of intellectual stories altogether indicate that these stories are eligible for using them in philosophical discussions.
Key Terms: children literature story, Shaykh al-Ishraq, Nakuja Abad stories, Philosophical concept
A Study of the Educational Dimensions of Family in Coronavirus Crisis (Covid-19)
Shirin Mohammadi Panah
Maryam Furqani
Family is a natural and original place for children and plays an important role in their developments. As a matter of fact, internal structure of the families with respect to their environment, culture, and other social reasons are different. Moreover, the rise of certain events such as the outbreak of coronavirus disease affected the life style of the families and highlighted the training role families in confrontation with this disease which brought in its wake certain psychological and physiological outcomes. According to certain studies, coronavirus (Covid-19) disease apart from its medical, health, and economic effects, has affected family life, social relations, public activities, and spiritual, religious, and emotional life of people as well. Accordingly, the main objective of the present paper is to study the necessity of paying attention to the training role of families and their impacts on children in understanding practical concepts in coronavirus period. The method of this study is descriptive-analytic based on library sources.
Key Terms: family, children, training, crisis, Covid-19
Virtual Education in Corona and Post-corona Period: Human Relations and Challenges
Abdol Ghafour Jamy Roudy
Towfigh Jamy Roudy
Towhid Jamy Roudy
Sepide Shahidy Roudy
Correspondence education is one of the methods of education which is followed in certain critical conditions during which students are not able to attend the classes and both teachers and students are asked to form certain virtual groups to hold classes. This method has the following merits: the rise of the self- control of students, restriction of the students to time, the rise of responsibility of students, and the expediting the efficiency and teaching. Apart from the merits of virtual education there are some demerits as well such as: internet addiction of the students, lack of confidence in learning, lack of control over home works by teachers, and inaccessibility of internet facilities in certain times and regions. To improve virtual teaching we have to take the followings steps: television should involve in virtual teaching, valid teaching systems should be used, standard questions should be sorted out, and family internet information should be promoted. The present work aims at detecting problems of virtual teachings and suggesting solutions in Iran particularly in poor regions. The method of this work is based on library and field work. After expressing the demerits and merits of e-learning, provide readers with solutions to increase the quality of e-learning and human relations in the current situations.
Key Terms: education, e-learning, students, teachers
The Impact of Coronavirus and Quarantine on the Rise of Child Abuse and their Legal Solution
Muhammad Jawad Abdollahi
Sepideh Hemmat
The problem of child abuse throughout the world is considered to be one of the social problems which are rooted in the improper attempts taken by parents and other members of a society in this regard. Following the outbreak of coronavirus and the beginning of quarantine period, all aspects of life have been affected, one of which is the rise of child abuse. As a matter of fact, children are prone to undergo such threat. The present article is an attempt to follow a descriptive- analytic approach based on library sources and study the impact of coronavirus on the rise of child abuse and also seek to sort out certain legal solution in order to protect children rights.
Key Terms: children rights, quarantine, Corona, child abuse, prevention
A Study of the Principles of an Approach for Promoting Children Perception of Environment through Environmental Art
Faezeh Hasani Helm
Today, a modern and strategic approach has come out for teaching the environmental concepts to the children which is based on environmental art. The aim of this approach is to turn the environmental crisis into a thoughtful discourse for deepening our understanding, improving the techniques, nourishing our feeling and sentiments in order to have a different and fresh view towards the relationship between man and environment. The present article proceeds to study the principles of various solutions through which we can apply it to environmental art which leads to the enhancement of environmental understanding of children. Accordingly, the present work follows a descriptive- analytic method according to which the role of art creations and researches in nature will be used to promote the environmental awareness of children. The findings of this work indicate that environmental art by establishing easy relationship with the audiences by taking into account the objective, empirical, and reflective consideration can turn out to be a suitable method for children in their approach towards the environment. One of the main features of this approach is that it is based on visual, symbolic and conceptual method of environmental art versus mere scientific method of certain approaches.
Key Terms: perception of children, environmental concepts, skill of thinking, children art
School Awareness and Philosophical Experience of Children during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Zahra Falahan
The objective of the present paper is to study the condition of children's awareness in their activities in the schools and the impact of the closer of the schools on attaining awareness of the pandemic of coronavirus. So far, going to schools was associated with their activities in accordance with their parents and teachers' views. So, due to some difficulties in going to schools most of them were not satisfied. Now, after one year of staying at home and being away from schools, they learned a lot about the differences between being at schools and staying at home. It can be said that now they have gained a form of awareness which is different from the earlier one. Going to school voluntarily versus attending at schools compulsory, willing to involve oneself in social activities despite certain threats and social restrictions versus having relation with family members, and the difference between self learning and learning through teachers are among the main philosophical and cognitive achievements of children.
Key Terms: school awareness, philosophical experience, virtual training
Central Role of Family in Training Children in Coronavirus Period
Narghes Najarpor Nasrabadi
In recent months the world underwent a great changes the comprehension and adaptation of which would be challenging and difficult for children, because they are not able to comprehend the events pertaining to their life and try to protect themselves due to their dependence on their parents in different fields. If children are protected by their parents and friends, then they may be spared from any threat. Thanks to their control over their children parents by their proper behavior can assure continuously their children that coronavirus is curable and they should not be very much worry about this disease. Moreover, they can also assure their children that they can take certain effective and positive measures in crises time to save themselves and others. By protecting children, they can achieve their long term objectives and prevent them from any upcoming losses since they are the social assets and moving motor of growth and development of society.
Key Terms: family, children, training, crises, Corona