Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Interview with Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei
- Teaching Philosophy to Children
Ali Shariatmadari
- Philosophy for Children from Logical Thought to Philosophical Experiences
Ahad Faramarz Qaramaleki
- Teaching Philosophy to Children
Reza Mohammadzadeh
A Report on Philosophy with Children in Iran
Zuha Wa'izi
- Principles of Philosophical Stories and their Concepts
Zohreh Hosseini
- Story of Bunyip
Jenny Wagner
- Philosophical Approaches and Methods for Children
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Philosophy for Children in Australia and New Zealand
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- The Doll Hospital
Ann Margaret Sharp
- Philosophy for Children in the United States of America
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Philosophy with Children in England
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Why do We Use Stories in Philosophy and Children?
Robert Fisher
- Philosophy for Children in Denmark
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Philosophy with Children in France
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Teaching through Conversation and Discussion
Oscar Brenifier
- Philosophy with Children in Germany
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Philosophy for Children in Finland
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Philosophy for Children in Brazil
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Philosophy for Children in Hawaii
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- Report of one of the Experimental Projects of Philosophy and Children in Schools
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- With Children: What is a Philosophical Story?
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- An Evaluation of Collaborative Research Classes
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute
- In the World of Children
Internet Research Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy and Research Institute