Social Training from Imam Ali's (a) Point of View and the Program of Teaching Philosophy for Children 


Masumeh Qadamyari


 Social training is considered to be one of the important aspects of training system of Islam, so benefiting from the training teachings of Islam and enjoying the sayings of Infallible Imams (a) as the available pattern, play a decisive role in socializing students in our teaching system. With regard to the importance of the subject matter, attempt has been made in this article first to give a definition of the concept of social training and its objectives such as developing the spirit of justice seeking, accountability, loving spirit, cooperation and consultation, futuristic and foresighted outlook, developing critical thinking and moral apprehension from the perspective of Imam Ali(a) and then embark on assessing whether or not philosophy for children can play an effective role in the realization of these objectives. This study is based on an analytic-descriptive method. It goes without saying that the program of teaching philosophy for children owing to its social study is considered to be one of the suitable methods which leads to the training of well aware and thoughtful people, accountable and disciplined citizens and can bring in its wake a healthy and dynamic society for life. According to the conclusions of this study, a great deal of the skills that can be strengthened through the program of teaching philosophy for children, are the skills that are based on Imam Ali's (a) point of view and has been referred to in this article.


 Key Terms:  training, social training, Nahj al-balaghah, philosophy for children



The Principles of Rewriting Ancient Persian Stories to Use them in Program of Philosophy for Children


 Atefeh Yusufi


Philosophy for children is an applied program in line with teaching thinking for children. Since in this program story is considered to be an important means for teaching, so for a better fulfillment it is necessary to have access to the native sources which suit our culture and our way of life. The present article which is based on documents and library work seeks to study the necessary and the way of rewriting Persian story and literary texts in order to use them in program of philosophy for children. In order to rewrite these texts it is necessary to take into account the principles of writing for children and adolescents as well as the characteristics of philosophical stories. According to the researchers of children literature, those stories are fruitful for children that in terms of subject and content suit the spirit and experience of children and also the level of its language and literature are compatible with the capability of children. After observing these points one should note the criterion of a story. Some of the important features of these stories are as follows: literary, rationality and psychological acceptability, capability for research, higher level for dialogue and having philosophical content. After rewriting the literary stories based on our criterion, certain questions should be raised at the end of each story so that to give some directions to the children and lead them to reflect into those stories.


 Key Terms:  philosophy for children, philosophical story, children literature, rewriting literary texts



A Study of the Impact of Teaching Philosophy to Children on Problem Solving Capability of the Primary Grade 3 Students


 Suheila Jalilian

 Fariba Jalilian

Sharareh Mohamadi

 Wajiheh Nejati


 The present research work is an attempt to study the impact of the program of teaching philosophy to children on the problem solving capability of primary grade 3 students of Eslamabad-e Gharb city. All primary grade 3 students in 1393-1394 (2014-2015) are included in this research work. For this purpose 80 students have been selected randomly in two experimental group (40 students) and control group (40 students). For collecting data, the Solving Problem Questionnaire of Long and Kasidi(1996) has initially been used, then the program of teaching philosophy to children has been implemented for experimental group in twelve sessions. At the end of the course, the same questionnaire has been used for both groups. An average mark of problem solving capability of both control and experimental groups have been assessed through the analysis of Covariance which shows a meaningful difference (p<0/001). In other words, implementation of the program of teaching philosophy to children will enhance the problem solving capability of students. Moreover, the effect of teaching philosophy to children on problem solving capability of children in terms of generic state is meaningless. 


 Key Terms: program of teaching philosophy to children, problem solving, gentian, primary grade students



A Study of the Effect of Computer Games on the Psychological Health of Children


 Kubra Ahmadvand

 Hamid Ahmadi Hedayat

Suheila Gholami Hardashti

Fariba Ahmadvand


 Game is considered to be the basic activity of children and at the same time can fulfill one of their basic demands. The role of game in the promotion of the physical and psychological health process of children is undeniable. Beside the emergence of audio-video media and owing to the immense growth of communicative technologies today, computer game is also considered to be one the modern games and as social phenomena enjoys a particular attraction. This game addresses mostly children and young adults. Children not only use computer games at their leisure time but also do so when they are among their family members. These attractive and exciting games draw the attention of children and youth for hours and sometime repel them from the real world and plunge them into the imaginal world. Since children and youth are regarded as the assets of a country, their psychological health and growth are very important. This work attempts to explore the effect of computer games on psychological health of children. Concluding that, computer games bring in their wake a kind of psychological violence, depression and excitement, stress and tension for children and youth.


 Key Terms: computer games, psychological health, child



A Study of the Impact of Teaching "Philosophy and Children" on the Growth of Reading Skill of Bilingual Primary Grade 3 Students


 Yahya Ghaedi

 Maryam Effati Kalateh


 The present work proceeds to study the impact of the implementation of the program of philosophy for children on the growth of reading skills of bilingual primary grade 3 students - Turkaman - North Khorasan province in 1393-1394 (2014-2015). This study has been carried out in a semi experimental method with a control group before and after a test. To this end, first 103 students were selected as a sample (52 boys and 51 girls) in different stages and placed in the control group and experimental group (52 in the experimental group and 51 in the control group). In this work data were collected through the test of linguistic skills. The present research work presupposed the effectiveness of the teaching philosophy for children on the growth of reading skills of bilingual primary grade 3 students. A workshop has been held in 19 sessions (two sessions in a week) in a research work gathering and used the Piksi thoughtful story as the material of the workshop. Finally, hypothetical test and the analysis of the data indicate that implementation of the program of philosophy for children had a positive effect on the growth of reading skills of bilingual primary grade 3 students. Moreover, according to the findings of this research work, the teaching of philosophy for children had no different effects on two genders (boys and girls) in terms of promoting their reading skills.


Key Terms:  linguistic skills, reading skill, bilingual, philosophy and children



 "The Sky too Laughed" A Study of Religious-Ethical Views of Mustafa Rahmandust


 Leyla Khudai


Mustafa Rahmandust is a literary man in the field of children literature who succeeded to promote their religious-ethical field through his impressive works in the last decades. His works are replete with certain notions such as belief in God and the Day of Judgment and so on and so forth. Following a study of his poems and songs it can be concluded that in most of his poems life is considered to be a kind of blessing as given by God. Concerning Islam and Iran he has composed his poems for children in a lucid and moving manner. Moreover, his poems relate to children at the age levels of a, e, h, k. For children in a lower age he has described God in a preliminary language, while for children in a higher age he has composed certain poems with profound concepts such as Resurrection, reappearance of the Authority, respecting the parents and in this way he seeks to deal with religious and ethical issues. The present article sets on to study his religious and ethical views with a philosophical approach.


 Key Terms: Mustafa Rahmandust, children literature, religious-ethical view points, philosophical-ethical analysis



Importance and Application of Critical Thinking in Medical Sciences


Simin Yazdanfar

Ramin Sarchami


"Thinking" as stressed by the Qur'an is considered to be a fruitful and necessary skill and at the same time is learnable. Critical thinking is a correct way of thinking about the problems in all fields, ranging from natural sciences to humanities, philosophy, and arts. Despite the manifold nature and various dimensions of critical thinking, in this way of thought, first data are searched and validated, and then a view comes up in the mind not vice versa. 

Given the wide range of data in medical sciences and necessity of interpreting and applying them, a new approach emerged in this science and drew the attention of people in the world in the 1990s, namely, "medicine based on evidence". This approach includes the following stages: posing question, looking for best valid evidence, criticizing the validity of the evidences, its use in clinical work, combining the data of the subject with the skill and clinical experience of a physician, and assessment of the fruitfulness and efficiency of the function. In Iran for the first time in 2011 a new educational program was formulated and implemented, according to which medical students first learned the concept of thinking and criticism, and in the later years learned "medicine based on evidence".

Critical thinking is necessary in nursing.  Since the nurses are in direct contact with the patients in 24 hours, so it is necessary to be right decision makers. A nurse should first collect the necessary information, and then proceed to classify the solution and follow the best one.

Given the positive effects of critical thinking in all aspects of individual and civil life, it seems necessary to make a serious attempt to teach and spread critical thinking.


 Key Terms:  critical thinking, medical sciences, teaching, medicine based on evidence