New Publications 

The following presents the titles of the books recently published by The  Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute (SIPRIn) to interested people:


Plectrums and Melodies “Second Volume” , Persian (2022)

supervision: Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

  Language: Persian

Pages: 432              

Edition: First           

Publication date: 2022

Publisher: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute


Philosophy and the Interaction Between Man and the World , Persian (2022)

supervision: Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

  Language: Persian

Pages: 432              

Edition: First           

Publication date: 2022

Publisher: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute


The Philosophy of Being a Woman, Persian (2021)

supervision: Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

  Language: Persian

Pages: 200              

Edition: 3rd            

Publication date: 2021

Publisher: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute


General Criminal Law Volume II , Persian (2021)

supervision: Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

  Language: Persian

Pages: 296              

Edition: Second            

Publication date: 2021

Publisher: Tolide Ketab


Glosses on the Qushchi’s Commentary on Tajrid (An Attachment to Interpretation of Ayat al-Kursi), Persian (2020)

supervision: Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

  Language: Persian

Pages: 340              

Edition: First           

Publication date: 2020

Publisher: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute