Mulla Sadra and Two Principles of Presupposition and Affirmation of the Subsistent

By: Roohallah Daraei and Tuba Kermani

A Study of 'Allamah Tabataba'i's Argument on Referring the Theory of "Gradation of Existence" to the Theory of the "Individual Unity of Existence"

By: Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari and Mehdi Sa'atchi

A Comparative Analysis of the Views of Farabi and Ibn Arabi concerning the Place of Ethics and Gnosis in their Utopia

By: Fereshteh Nadry Abyaneh and Mahdiyeh Sadat Mostaqimi

Peace and Happiness in Mulla Sadra's Political Philosophy

By: Mohammad Meshkat

Problem of Correspondence in Mulla Sadra's Ontological Epistemology

By: Shahnaz Shayanfar

Spirit of the Theory of Reminiscence in Mulla Sadra's View of Intellection

By: Ali Asghar J'afari Valani and Zeynab Mohammadnejad

Manifestation of Sadrian Philosophy in Islamic Architecture

By: Behrooz 'Avazpoor, Bahman Namvar Motlagh and Saina Mohammadi Khabazan