Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy

By: Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

Mulla Sadra's Philosophical Approach to the Divine Will

By: 'Abdul'ali Shokr

The Problem of Predestination and Free Will and Mulla Sadra's Innovative Solution

By: Akbar Faydei

A Comparative Critical Study of the Origination of the Soul in Mulla Sadra and Ibn Sina

By: Davood Mohamadiany

Qadi 'Izzuddin Iiji's Dispute with Philosophers Concerning the Problem of Bringing back the Annihilated Thing

By: Zohreh Tavaziany

Abscess and Butterfly or Bird and Cage?A Comparative Assessment of the Ideas of Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra on the Body-Soul Relation

By: Nawwab Muqarrabi and 'Abdulrazzaq Hesamifar

A Study of Abulhassan Jilwah's Criticism of Mulla Sadra's Trans-Substantial Motion

By: Behzad Mohammadi and Mehdi Dehbashi

Mulla Sadra on Oneness of Being

By: Seyyed Murtada Hosseini Shahrudi and Mohammad Ali Vatandoust