Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy

By: Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

Mulla Sadra and Sufism

By: Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei

A Critique of a Critique: Immortality of the Soul in the Transcendent Philosophy

By: Seyyed Muhammed Musawi, Rasul Hosseinpour

Mulla Sadra's Role in the Transformation of Aristotelian Logic

By: Akbar Faydei

The Nexus between Ideal and Real Cities in Plato's Thought

By: Reza Mahoozi

 Learning and Teaching the Divine Beliefs and Teachings in Hakim Fayd Kashani

By: Fatemah Sadeqzadeh Qamsari

Intellects in Sadrian Philosophy and Angelology in Nahj al-Balaghah with Special Emphasis on Acts

By: Ali Arshad Riyahi, Maliheh Jamshidian

Internal Consistency of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy Concerning the Mode of the Createdness of the Soul

By: Muhammed Kazem Forqani, Jawad Ibrahimi, Muhammed Ahmadizadeh

An Analysis of the Principle of the Precedence of Temporally Originated Things by Potency and Matter

By: Mansur Imanpour