Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy

 By: Prof. S. M. Khamenei

Methodology of Sadrian Approach to the Process of Intellectual Perceptions

By: Naser Mo'meni.

Intellect and Divinity in the View of the Stoics

By: Seyyed Mohammed Reza Hosseini Khameneh

A Rational Analysis of Revelation with Reference to Mulla Sadra's Views

By: Zohreh Borqe'i.

Copulative and Inhering Existence and the Principle of Predicate

By: Seyyed Mujtaba Mir Damadi.

A Study of the Trends and Logical Principles of the Four-fold Relations in the View of Muslim Logicians

By: Ali Asghar Ja'fari Valani.

Ibn Sina's Connected Dynamics Versus Aristotle's Disconnected Dynamics

By: Abbas Taromi and Ja'far Chavoshi

A Comparative Study of the Possibility of the Knowledge of the Essence and Reality of Objects in Ibn Sina and Suhrawardi

By: Mohammed Ali Akhgar and Seyyed Sadr al-Din Tahery