Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy

By: Prof. S. M. Khamenei

Jalal al-Din Dawani and the Revival of Suhrawardi's Philosophical Thought

By: Qasim Purhassan

Principle of the One and the Problem of the First Emanation of Almighty Necessary

By: Mansur Imanpur

Time and Being in Mulla Sadra

By: Mehdi Najafi Afra

A Critical Study of Some of the Most Important Versions of the Argument of the Righteous

By: Salih Hassanzadeh

A Review of a Problem: Ibn Sina and the Subject of Metaphysics

By: Seyyed Muhammed Manafiyan

Philosophical Innovations of Seyyed Mustafa Khomeini in Theology in its General Sense

By: Zahra Mustafawi

The Epistemological Place of Cause in Ibn Sina's View

By: Amir 'Awitipur Deylami & Muhammed Sa'idi Mehr