Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy

By: Prof. S. M. Khamenei

Centrality of the Principle of Justice in the Shi'ite Theology

By: Muhammed Kazim 'Elmi

A New Approach to Comparing Kantian Categories with Secondary Intelligibles in Islamic Philosophy

By: Mahdi Husseinzadeh Yazdi

Analytic-Synthetic Division of Propositions and Epistemological Skepticism in Hume's Philosophy

By:'Azim Hamzian

A Study of the Theory of the Intermediate Position (amr bayn al-amrayn) in the Mirror of Theological and Philosophical Statements and Illustrations

By: Amir Shirzad

Gnostic Theology

By: Muhammed Fana'i Ashkewari

Method of Knowing the Hidden World in Mulla Sadra and 'Allamah Tabataba'i

By: Ali Arshad Riahi and Parwin Iranpur

Body-Soul Interaction in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy

By: M'asumah Muwahhedinia

Mulla Sadra's Approach to the Synthesis of the Intellect and Revelation

By: Muhsen 'Amiq