Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy

By: Prof. S. M. Khamenei

Place of the Soul in the Philosophies of Aristotle and Mulla Sadra

By: Reza Akbabrian and Abulhassan Ghaffari

The Meaning of Relation in Dawani's Philosophy with Reference to Aristotle and Mulla Sadra's Ontology

By: Monireh Palangi

Concepts of "Time" and "Place" in Leibniz's Philosophy

By: Muhammed Jawad Safian and Abdullah Amini

Reconciliation between Sinnan Synonymity and Sadrian identity concerning the Divine Attributes

By: Marziyah Sadighi

The Sadrian Approach to the Interpretation of the Qur'an

By: Alireza Dehqanpur

Place of the Imaginal World in Suhrawardi's Philosophy

By: Seyyed Muhammed Reza Hosseini Khameneh

Theory of Limit in Farabi

By: Behjat Wahedi