Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy

By: Prof. S. M. Khamenei

Language of the Qur'an as an Allegorical Language in Mulla Sadra's View

By: Gholamreza A'awani and Nasir Muhammedi

Ibn Khaldun and Philosophy

By: Muhammed Ilkhani

A New Account of the Tripartite Division of Being Based on the Transcendent Philosophy

By: Mehdi Golparwar Ruzbehani and Seyyed Muhammed Yusef Thani

An Evaluation of Mulla Sadra's Criticisms of Ibn Sina and Early Philosophers in the Demonstration of the Oneness of the Necessary Being

By: Aziz Alizadeh Saleteh

Imagination, Prophethood, and Politics in Ibn Sina's Philosophy

By: Ahmed Bostani

Unity in Dawani

By: Hussein Muhammed Khani

Levels of the Intellect in Aristotle and Ibn Sina

By: Ali Asghar Ja'fari Walani