1-Influence of Islamic Transcendent Philosophy in West Conference with Dr. Ibrahimi Dinani, Dr. Dawari, Dr. A'wani, Dr. K. Mujtahidi

2-Life, School and Character of Mulla Sadra ....................................................................................... By: S.M. Khamenei

3-Conflict Between Negation and Position and its Paths .......................................................................... By: M. Yusif Thani

4-From Ibn-Sina Existential Possibility to Mulla Sadra's Existential Possibility ................................................... By: S.M. Imami  Jum'ah

5-A Comparison Between some Foundations of Sinean, Rushdian and Sadrean Philosophical Systems (part three) ..... By: S. Rahimiyan

6-Some Advantages of Philosophical Issues and Concepts ....................................................................... By: Dr. Muhaqqiq Damad

7-An Argument for the Union of Intelligence and Intelligent ..................................................................... By: Mulla Sadra

8-The Riddle of Incommensurable Root according to Theologians ............................................................... By: Dr. A. Qaramalaki

9-Risalah fi shubhat-i jadhr-i asam (in Arabic) ...................................................................................... By: Sadr al- Din Dashtaki

10-An Introduction on the Shiraz School, Mir Ghiyath al- Din Masur Dashtaki .................................................. By: Dr. Q. Kakayi

11-Time in the Transcendental Philosophy (part two) ............................................................................. By: T. Kirmani

12-Definite and Indefinite according to Muslim Philosophers ..................................................................... By: Dr. Gh. Ibrahimi Dinani

13-Indefinite Sequences .............................................................................................................. By: Gh. Yasipur

14-Iran, the Land of True Thinkers .................................................................................................. By: S.M. Khamenei

15-A Brief Account of Mulla Sadra's Life and His School of philosophy (in Arabic)(part three)............................... By: S.M. Khamenei (translated by Dr. M. Ghafrani)