Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy                                                                                                                 By: Prof. S. M. Khamenei

Man and the Possible World                                                                                                                                       By: Prof. Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei
The Soul and its Becoming in the Transcendent Philosophy                                                                                       By: Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari

Superior Language: A Theory in the Methodology of the Transcendent Philosophy                                                 By: Jinan Izadi and Ahad Faramarz Qaramaleki

A Critical Study of the Concepts of Existence, Light, and Quiddity in Illuminationist Philosophy from Mulla Sadra's Point of View   

                                                                                                                                                                                   By: Sa'id Rahimian

The Otherness of Existence from Quiddity as the Context for the Theory of the Principiality of Existence             By: Seyyed Mas'ud Sayf

Hegel and the History of Philosophy                                                                                                                           By: Ali Muradkhani

Embodiment of Deeds in the Transcendent Philosophy                                                                                              By: Abdul'ali Shukr

      A Comparative Study of the Renewal of Essences and the Trans-substantial Motion                                               By: Muhammed Bunyani and Ahmed Abedi
      The Study of Imagination in Muhyaddin Ibn Arabi's Gnostic System                                                                          By: Maryam Sani'pur