Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy
Man and the Possible World By: Prof. Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei |
The Soul and its Becoming in the Transcendent Philosophy By: Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari |
Superior Language: A Theory in the Methodology of the Transcendent Philosophy |
A Critical Study of the Concepts of Existence, Light, and Quiddity in Illuminationist Philosophy from Mulla Sadra's Point of View
The Otherness of Existence from Quiddity as the Context for the Theory of the Principiality of Existence By: Seyyed Mas'ud Sayf |
Hegel and the History of Philosophy By: Ali Muradkhani |
Embodiment of Deeds in the Transcendent Philosophy By: Abdul'ali Shukr |
A Comparative Study of the Renewal of Essences and the Trans-substantial Motion |
The Study of Imagination in Muhyaddin Ibn Arabi's Gnostic System By: Maryam Sani'pur |