Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy ..................................................................................By: Prof. S. M. Khamenei

Knowledge by Presence or Acquired Knowledge ..........................................................................By : Muhammad Taqi Faali

A Comparative Study of Motion in Aristotelian and Transcendent Philosophies ......................................By : Abbas Shaykh Shoa'i

An Evaluation of the Purposefulness of the World of Nature in Peripatetic and Transcendent Schools of Philosophy......By :  Mansur Imanpur

An Analytic Study of the Isfahan Philosophical Era and its Two Philosophical Schools.................................By : Sayyed Mehdi Imami Jum'a

An Inquiry into the Definitions of the Possible...............................................................................By :  Aynullah Khademi

Man's Station in Mulla Sadra's View ...........................................................................................By : Zohre Nikfarjam
The Difference between Philosophy and Gnosis ............................................................................By :  Mir Hadi Musawinia
Essential Accident and the Four-Fold Problems .............................................................................By :   Nadia Maftooni
      Translated by: Dr. R. Khoii