Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy (Fayd Kashani).....................By: Prof. Sayyid Muhammad Khamenei |
Translated by: Dr. R. Khoii |
Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy: Eclecticism or Innovation?.............................By: Dr. S.M. Mohaqqeq Dammad |
The Reality of Knowledge in Mulla Sadra’s View......................................By: Dr. N. Arab Momeni |
A New Perspective on the Theory of the Ideas......................................... By: F. Khaleqiyan |
Is Islamic Philosophy Identical with Greek Philosophy?..........................By: Dr. M. Bidhendi |
Issues in Epistemology..................................................................................By: M. Shareate |
The Fundamental Differences between Philosophy and Gnosis.............By: Dr. M.S. Hasan Abadi |
Formal and Universal Unity in Suarez..........................................................By: M. Sanepour |
The Relation between the Originated and the Eternal................................By: A. Shukr |