Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy...............................................................................................By: Prof. Sayyid Muhammad Khamenei
Translated by: Dr. R. Khoii
Ibn Sina's Treatise of "al-Majalis al-sab'ah"...............................................................................................By: Maqsud Mohammadi
Mulla Sadra's View of the Knowledge of Existence...................................................................................By: Reza Akbariyan
The Irrelevance of the Decline of Political Thought to Mulla Sadra's Ideas .........................................By: Seyyed Mohammad Naser Taqawi
An Overview of Philosophers' Ideas of the Contingency or Eternity of the Soul ................................By: Mokhtar Taba'ah Izadi
The Principiality of Existence According to Philosophers before Mulla Sadra .....................................By: Mohammad Kazem Forqani
A Critical Study of the Fundamentals of Bodily Resurrection in the "Transcendent Philosophy"....By: Saeed Tawakoli