Character and School of Mulla Sadra...........................................................................................................By: Prof. Sayyid Muhammad Khamenei

1- Mulla Sadra's Transcendent Philosophy...............................................................................By: Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli

2- The First Mover, according to Aristotle and Mulla Sadra............................................................By: Dr. S.M. Muhaqqiq Damad

3- Life, School, and Character of Mulla Sadra (part thirteen)..........................................................By: S.M. Khamenei

4- The World's Createdness according to the Doctrine of Substantial Motion.......................................By: Dr. S. H. Musawiyan

5- Corporeal Resurrection in Transcendent Philosophy (part three)..................................................By: M.R. Hakimi

6- Mulla Sadra and Reducing the Propositions to Predicative, Positive, Universal, Necessary Propositions.....By: Dr. A.F. Qaramalaki

7- Platonic Spirit in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy..............................................................................By: S.M. Khamenei

8- Resurrection according to Philosophers and Mulla Sadra............................................................By: H. Rastgar Muqaddam Gawhari

9- Al- Waridat al- albiyyah fi ma'rifat al- rububiyyah (The Inspirations of the Heart Concerning Knowledge of the Divinity), a Treatise of a Theosopher...By: Janis Eshots

10- Risalah Fi Asfar al- arba'ah, a treatise of Mirza Hasan Nuri........................................................By: S.I. Ashk-e Shirin

11- A Brief Report of the World Congress of Mulla Sadra, May 23-27 1999.