Essentialism in the Transcendent Philosophy: Principles and Concomitants


Mohammad Nejati

Mostafa Momeni

Faroogh Touli


Essentialism indicates the independence of external objects from human interests and perceptions. In Islamic philosophy, based on an affirmative approach, objects are generally considered to be a collection of essential and accidental attributes which are independent from human thought. This problem has two major dimensions in Mullā Ṣadrā's philosophy. In his own general approach, based on the common tradition of philosophers, particularly Ibn Sīnā, Mullā Ṣadrā also maintains that external objects are independent from human perception and consist of a series of essential and accidental attributes. Following a specific approach, Mullā Ṣadrā limits the essence of external objects to the single and unique truth of existence while emphasizing the ontological independence of external objects and based on the ontological and epistemological principles of his own philosophy. Moreover, through negating any kind of external origin for essential and accidental components as well as all quiddative consequents, he believes that existents' possible synthesis of matter and form or genus and differentia is related to the world of the mind and subcategorized under the soul's power of creativity.


Key Terms

Absolutism, Essentialism, principiality of existence, essential, accidental, Transcendent Philosophy



A Critical Analysis of Ḥakīm Gharawī Isfahānī's View of the Levels of Divine Manifestations


Mostafa Azizi Alavijeh


One of the epistemological innovations of Ḥakīm Gharawī Isfahānī entails his gnostic and intuitive approach in practice and theory. Based on the fundamental principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, Muḥaqqiq Isfahānī has proposed an innovative view regarding the levels of the determinations and manifestations of Almighty Truth. He emphasizes the "graded unity of existence" instead of the "individual unity of existence", "copulative existence and illuminative relation" instead of "manifestations and epiphanies", and "simple truth and pure existence" instead of "absoluteness of the source of division". Ḥakīm Isfahānī introduces three specifications for the truth of existence: the "negatively conditioned" level of non-existential limits or pure existence, the level of "non-conditioned" from contingent limits or holy blessing, and the level of "conditioned-by-something" in the sense of the act of Almighty Truth. This division is different from the related division in theoretical gnosis. In this study, the author initially analyzes the levels of manifestations in the view of Muḥaqqiq Isfahānī and then evaluates them.


Key Terms

Determination, Manifestation, pure existence ,individual unity, graded unity, Gharawī Isfahānī



Place of Intellect in Shaykh al-Mufīd's Kalāmī Thoughts with an Emphasis on a Critical Analysis of Existing Views


Nafiseh Ahle Sarmadi


The value of reason and rational perceptions is indisputably obvious in Shaykh al-Mufīd's view. However, it is his view of the authority of reason which is to some extent debatable. His statement as to "reason requires to give an ear to knowledge and its consequences" has given rise to some debates. Commentators have interpreted such statements of Shaykh al-Mufīd in different ways, which can be classified into two categories with the second one consisting of two approaches by itself. It is worth noting that both of them are inconsistent with a part of Shaykh al-Mufīd's ideas. Based on a critical analysis of existing views, the author believes that theory and practice are separate from each other. In other words, it seems that, Shaykh al-Mufīd believes in the independent authority of reason in practice; however, he has different theoretical views, and one cannot find any idea regarding the authority of autonomous reason which has not been challenged. This paper discusses the problem of reason and a number of related issues such as the definition, function, authority of reason, and the relationship between reason and revelation.


Key Terms

Transmission, autonomous reason, authority, Shaykh al-Mufīd



Value and Efficiency of Acquired and Non-Acquired Sciences in Ibn 'Arabī

Forough al-Sadat Rahimpour

Nayereh Esmaeli


One of the most important and fundamental problems in theoretical gnosis is science. Ibn Arabi divides sciences into acquired and non-acquired types based on the way they are gained. Acquired types of science consist of the same discursive sciences which people attain through rational reasoning. In contrast, the perception and attainment of non-acquired sciences are not only impossible for the intellect but also demand another tool called the heart, which is responsible for receiving the blessings and effusions of divine lights. Ibn 'Arabī believes that true and original knowledge is one which God imparts to the heart. Such a kind of knowledge, unlike rational and acquired ones, is immune against error, doubt, and forgetting. This is because here Man is merely the receiver of God's manifestations and cannot manipulate them at all. This paper explains the efficiency of acquired and non-acquired sciences from the view point of Ibn 'Arabī, evaluates them, and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each in comparison to each other.


Key Terms

acquired science, non-acquired science, intellect, heart, Ibn 'Arabī



Holistic Education Based on the Principles of the Transcendent Philosophy


Tayebe Mahroozade

Sude Yavari


Holistic education is one of the educational strategies of the 20th century in the West which challenges the existing defects in the modern educational system. Clearly, there are so many similarities between religious and Islamic education and holistic education that we can safely claim that the latter has always been the common method of education in our traditional educational system. The present study focuses on certain educational principles in the Transcendent Philosophy which can be categorized under the concept of holism. Some of these principles include the necessity of the gathering of matter and meaning, educating the body along with the soul, and moral and epistemological holism. Moreover, regarding epistemological holism, the authors elaborate on the particular place of reason in epistemology and derive a number of educational principles in conformity with rationality, among which reference can be made to the necessity of prudence and necessity of teaching intellection to the learner. Finally, they refer to some of the practical methods in conformity to the mentioned principles. Following the qualitative method of content analysis and philosophical inference, the authors have tried to derive a number of educational principles in line with holism through delving in Mullā Ṣadrā's books on the Transcendent Philosophy and some of his commentators' works.


Key Terms

Education, Holism, Rationality, Transcendent Philosophy, Mullā Ṣadrā



An Analytic Study of the Arguments for the Necessity of Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā


Hadi Jafari

Ali Arshad Riyahi


Philosophical anthropology is one of the important and interesting categories which has attracted the attention of philosophers since the beginning of the history of philosophy. As one of the distinguished philosophers of the world of Islam, Mullā Ṣadrā has paid particular attention to Man and the related problems. One of the important issues in the realm of anthropology is Man's corporeal dimension and the relevant issues. This paper deals with the necessity of the corporeal dimension of human beings in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā. The authors conclude that this necessity can be demonstrated in the light of some of the philosophical principles of Mullā Ṣadrā such as commensurability, gradation of existence, corporeal origination and spiritual subsistence of the soul, possibility of the lower, Man's potency for receiving trust, as well as the principle of opposition and some others. They also argue that in Mullā Ṣadrā's view, the corporeal dimension is in fact necessary for developing a human identity and promoting and perfecting human existence.


Key Terms

corporeal dimension, necessity, anthropology, opposition, principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, Mullā Ṣadrā




A Study of the Functions of Faith and its Concomitants in Life Identification in 'Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā'ī


Soheila Gholipoor Shahraki

 Mojtaba Jafari Eshkavandi

Mohsen Fahim

Alireza Khajehgir


Faith is the most essential element of spiritual life, the jewel ornamenting the human soul, and the most brilliant ray of the higher world. One of the most important kalāmī problems is the discussion of faith and the related elements so that one cannot ignore its fundamental role in the formation of life identification. The present study examines the function of faith and its concomitants in life identification in the view of 'Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā'ī based on a descriptive-comparative method. The library method was used to collect the required data for the study from the works of 'Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā'ī and other related books and sources. The collected data was later analyzed and evaluated based on his epistemological and anthropological principles. The findings of the study indicate that he considers faith to be a heart-related affair and maintains that it is necessary to commit oneself to its concomitants and practical effects. He also believes that, based on Islamic principles, faith is of four levels, the most important of which is the fourth one. Here, the authors also investigate the function of devotion in acting in the light of faith, the inseparability of faith and act, the effect of act on Man's happiness, and the relationship between faith and morality in Man's identification. 'Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā'ī has referred to peace of heart, disappearance of doubt, humbleness, and kindness among the effects and benefits of faith. From an epistemological point of view, having faith in religious life, in addition to creating a positive and hopeful attitude, grants meaning to human life.


Key Terms

Faith, Act, Happiness, Morality, religious life, meaning of life, 'Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā'ī