Farabi's Innovation Concerning the Relationship between Religion and Philosophy: The Hierarchical Theory of Religious Language

   By: Nawab Mogharebi and Qasim Purhassan

A Critical and Comparative Study and Analysis of Modern and Traditional Rationalism

   By: Hossein Zamaniha

Active Intellect in Aristotle and its Consequences based the Interpretations of Johannes Philoponus and Ibn Rushd

   By: Hassan Fathi and Bayan Karimi

A Study of Zurvani and Isma'ilite Cosmology (based on the Works of Nasir Khusraw Qubadiyani)

   By: Zabihullah Fathi Fath

A Theoretical Evaluation of the Relationship between Ethics and Politics in Zoroaster and Aristotle (A Comparative Study of the Gathas of Avesta and the Sixth book of the Nicomachean Ethics)

   By: Muslem Abbasi and Hatam Qaderi

On the Possibility and Desirability of "Reverse History of Philosophy

   By: Mas'ud Umid

Aristotelian Reading of Hegel and Hegelian Reading of Aristotle in the Formation of a "Work of Art"

   By: Ahmad Reza Mo'tamidi