Whitehead on Substance

   By: Rostam Shahmohammedi

A Comparative Study of the Annual Destruction and Renewal of the Universe in Middle-East Mythology

   By: Hossein Heydari and Ali Bahari

A Dialogue on Aristotle's Philosophy: A Symbol of the Period of Transition

   By: Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari

A Study of the Effect of Plato's Political Philosophy on Farabi's Political Philosophy

   By: Alireza Sadra and Davood Paran

Unanimity of Mulla Sadra and Tusi Concerning Knowledge and the Intellect

   By: Abdulhamid Radawi

School of Shiraz and the Philosophical Foundations of the Transcendent Philosophy

   By: A'ala Turani and Monireh Soltanahmadi

The Rise of Sadrian Philosophy and its Role in the Revival of the Philosophy of Islamic Art

   By: Akbar Faydei