Aristotelian Golden Mean in Abu Nasr Farabi |
By: Zohreh Tavaziany |
Theorem of Eternal Recurrence in Suhrawardi's Philosophy and Poincare's Physics |
By: Mahdi 'Azimi |
School of Vedanta and Non-Dualism |
By: Ali Naqi Baqershahi |
Background of the Cartesian Distinction in Islamic Philosophy and Kalam |
By: Mahdi Assadi |
Place of Justice in Plato and Farabi's Utopia |
By: Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari and Parviz Hajizadeh |
A Study of Heidegger's Interpretation of Dialectic in Plato's Dialog of the Sophist |
By: Mahmoud Nawali, Hassan Fathi, and Sadiqah Moosazadeh N'alband |
.The Meaning and Object of Intellectual Intuition in Ibn Sina's Oriental Ethics |
By: Mir Saeid Mousavi Karimi, Ali Akbar 'Abdolabadi and Muhammad Hani Jafarian |