A Study of Idah al-Khayr al-Mahd and its Influence over the History of Islamic Philosophy

   By: Gholamhossein Ahmadi Ahangar

Truth of Man and the True Man in Abulhassan 'Amiri and Mulla Sadra

   By: Reza Rezazadeh and Hassan Rahbar

Man's Intellectual and Intuitive Knowledge of the One and the One's Knowledge of Himself and other than Himself in Plotinus' Philosophy

   By: Asadullah Heydarpour Kiya'i

The Relationship between the Pillars of Wisdom and Utopia in Suhrawardi and Plato

   By: Sa'id Rahimian and Tayyebeh Zare'i

Philosophers and the Esoteric Interpretation of the Qur'an in Ibn Rushd

   By: Muhammed Sa'idi Mehr, Seyyed Abbas Zahabi,

Roohallah 'Alizadeh

Development of the Theory of Categories from Aristotle to Ibn Sina

   By: Reza Rasuli Sharabiyani and Parisa Mehrkhani

Athiri's Heritage: Life and Works

   By: Mahdi 'Azimi