Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 3 (Interpretation of Chapter al-Baqarah, vol. 2), Arabic (2001)

 The second volume of the invaluable collection of Interpretation of the Qur'an continues the interpretation of chapter al-Baqarah, verses 23-37. One of the problems propounded in this volume is the miracle of the Qur'an and those who speak of it sarcastically. Mulla Sadra has clarified this issue by presenting some proofs from Qur'anic verses.

Moreover, concerning the 31st verse of this chapter under the title "luminous reference", he has referred to the fact that the names of Almighty God are the origin of possible realities and the world of divine names with all of its spherical and terrestrial forms comprise the origin of this world.

The third volume of Interpretation of the Qur'an has been published in Arabic under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. Muhsen Bidarfar has carried out the required research for this book, edited it, and written an Introduction to it.