Collection of the Papers Presented at the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Volume 2, Mulla Sadra and other Philosophers
This book includes a collection of the selected papers of the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra. The titles of some of the papers and their writers are as follows:
Sadra and Bergson, Karim Mojtahedi
Divine Causality in Mulla Sadra's Wisdom and Spinoza's Philosophy, Muhsin Jahangiri
A Comparative Study of the Reality of Knowledge in Mulla Sadra and Whitehead, Mehdi Dehbashi
Theological Horizons in Aristotelian and Sadrian Philosophies, Ali Allah Bedashti
Motion in Mulla Sadra and Bergson, Ali Shirawani
Philosophy as a Practice, Oscar Brenifier
Postmodern Philosophy's Prophetism, Ekaterina V. Dvoretskaia
Plato and Magianism, Mohammad Reza Chitsaz
The Alexandrian Epitomes of Galen and the Transmission of Greek Philosophy to the Muslims, John Walbridge
There are 29 papers under the categories of the Transcendent Philosophy and other schools, comparative studies in Islamic philosophy and Western philosophy, history of philosophy and the philosophy of ancient Iran and its impact on the world philosophy, and contemporary philosophy.
The book Mulla Sadra and other Philosophers has been published along with the biodata of the papers' writers in 390 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.