Mulla Sadra, Logic, Ethics, and Theology (Kalam), Volume 9

This book is the 9th volume of the collection of the papers presented at the World Congress on Mulla Sadra. It includes 11 papers in the category of logic and philosophy of logic, 16 papers in the category of the philosophy of ethics, and 6 papers in the category of Kalam and the philosophy of religion. 14 of these papers have been translated from English into Persian, one from French, and two from Arabic. The titles of some of papers and the names of their writers are as follows:


Mulla Sadra and the Reduction of All Propositions to Necessary Universal Affirmative Categorical Propositions, Ahad Faramarz Qaramaliki

Tense, Logic, and Ibn Sína's Theory of Hypothetical Attributive Syllogisms, Lotfullah Nabavi

A Glance at Works on Logic from the Beginning until Mulla Sadra's Time, Muhsen Barzegar


What is Truth?, Paul Horwich

A Comparative Study of the Pedagogical Principles of Islamic Philosophers and Theologians with the Principles of Educational Sciences, Ali Qa'mi Amiri

Significance of Religious Beliefs in End-of-Life Medical Decision-Making, Hans-Martin Sass

Considerations Sur la Conception du Coeur Chez Molla Sadra, Paul Ballanfat

Bioethics and Human Genetics, Ludger Honnefelder

Pluralism and Revelation in Mula Sadra and Paul Tilishin's, A'la Turani

This book has been published along with the short bio data of the writers in 551 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.