Collection of the Papers Presented at the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Mulla Sadra and Comparative Studies, Volume 5
This book includes a number of the selected papers of the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra on Comparative Studies of the issues discussed by both Islamic and Western thinkers and philosophers, ontology, and philosophical problems in the history of philosophy.
The titles of some of the papers and their writers are as follows:
Mulla Sadra and Uthulujiya, Said Rahimiyan
Crisis and Certainty of Knowledge in al-Ghazzali (1058-1111) and Descartes (1596-1650), Tamara Albertini
Perception of Time in Western and Oriental Esoteric Traditions, Yana V. Botsman
Islamic Art and Architecture Principles of a Sacred Tradition, Khaled 'Azzam
The Influence of Persian Ishraq School Upon Chinese Islamic Works in the 17th Century, Yang Huaizhong
Copulative Existence (wujud-i rabiì) in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy, Mohammed Taqi Misbah Yazdi
Systematic Network of Mulla Sadra's Ontology and Its Reflection in Modern Physics, Mehdi Dehbashi
The Language of Being: From Ibn Sina to Mulla Sadra, Rafael Ramon Guerrero
Atomism in Early Islamic Thought and its Relation to Pre-Islamic Iranian Thinking, Josef Van Ess
A Comparative Study of Heidegger and Suhrawardi's Ideas of Ancient Greek Philosophers, Shahram Pazouki
This book includes 39 papers and has been published in 592 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.