Collection of the Papers Presented at the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent Philosophy, Volume 1
The first volume of the collection of the papers of the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra, which was held in 1999, is devoted to Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent Philosophy. This book consists of 27 papers on this topic. Some of them have been written by foreign researchers and professors in English or Arabic, and some others have been originally written in Persian by Iranian writers, which have been translated into English by philosophy translators of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and presented in this volume. Some of the papers included in this book are as follows:
Sadra's Philosophical System as a Model in Islamic Philosophy, Alparslan Acikgenc
Sufism and Philosophy in Mulla Sadra, Carl W. Ernst
The Legacy of Mulla Sadra in the Writings of Western Scholars in Iranian and Shi'i Studies: Use or Abuse? Andrew J. Newman
The Transcendent Theosophy (al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyah) and the Theosopher (Hakim muta'allih), Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli,
Mulla Sadra's Doctrine of Existence and the Objectivity of Imagination in Islamic Philosophy, Oliver Leaman
Mulla Sadra's Philosophy of Platonic Spirit, Ayatullah Seyyed Muhammad Khamenei
Neo-Sadrian Philosophical Discourse, Ali Akbar Rashad
Mulla Sadra's Doctrine of Trans-Substantial Motion, Abbas Muhammad Hasan Sulayman
This book has been published in 515 papers, along with the biodata of the writers of papers, by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.