Collection of the Papers Presented at the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Volume 7, Issues in Western Contemporary Philosophy
The seventh volume of the selected papers of the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra includes 28 papers on the following subjects:
- Issues related to contemporary philosophy (24 papers)
- Philosophy of language and epistemology (4 papers)
From among the papers in this book, 23 have been translated from English into Persian, and the rest have been originally written in Persian.
The titles of some of the papers and their writers are as follows:
- Existence and Time in Heidegger, Bijan Abdulkarimi
- Sartre on Freedom and Responsibility: An Analytical Study, D.R. Bhandari
- Phenomenology of Life: Creative Experience & the New Philosophical Paradigm, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
- Philosophy of Reading: Recent Issues in Contemporary Hermeneutics, Diego Sanchez- Meca
- An Overview of Recent Western Philosophy, Joseph Margolis
- From Marxism to Islam: The Philosophical Itinerary of Roger Garaudy, Neal Robinson
- Communication, Language and Inter-Cultural Understanding, George Meggle
This book has been published along with short biographies of the writers of the papers.