Collection of Papers Presented at the World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Volume 2, Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent Philosophy

This book is the second volume of the Collection of Papers Presented at the World Congress on Mulla Sadra, which has been published in the light of divine favor and the efforts of the members of the Scientific and Publication Centers of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. The first volume of these series consisted of 30 papers, and this volume includes 34 papers. From among them, four have been translated from English into Persian. Their writers are, respectively, as follows: David Grandy, Ibrahim Kalin, John Walbridge, and Douglas P. Lackey. Moreover, one of the papers, by Cecil Bonmaraige, has been translated from French into Persian, and another, written by Salman al-Bodour, has been translated from Arabic to Persian. The other papers were originally in Persian, which the Institute merely edited in terms of  form.