An Collection of Philosophical Treatises, vol. 4 (al-Hikmat al-arshiyyah, al-Masa'il al-qudsiyyah, al-Masha'ir, Mathnawi)
The fourth volume of the book "An Anthology of Philosophical Treatises" includes four other of Mulla Sadra's treatises. They are as follows:
1. al-Hikmat al-arshiyyah
In this treatise, which is the last work of this great philosopher, Mulla Sadra speaks of the Origin, resurrection, and the Hereafter. The problems discussed in this book have been classified based on a kalami method. This work consists of two mashriqs:
First mashriq: This part is on theology and discusses some problems such as the "demonstration of God's existence", "oneness of God", "identity of attributes with essence", "God's knowledge", "God's word", "good names", "activity of Almighty Truth", and "the temporal origination of the world".
Second mashriq: This part is on eschatology and consists of three ishraqs. The first speaks of "self-knowledge"; the second speaks of the "truth of resurrection and the quality of the revivification of bodies", and the third speaks of the "states of the Hereafter".
2. al-Masa'il al-qudsiyyah
This treatise includes three essays:
First essay: On ultimate wisdom and supreme knowledge
Second essay: On the principles of the Necessary Being in terms of Concept
Third essay: On the demonstration of mental existence and shadowy manifestation.
Manucher Saduqi Suha has edited this treatise, conducted the needed research for it, and written an Introduction to it.
3. al-Masha'ir
Although very small in size, this treatise is one of Mulla Sadra's most important works because it has intensively discussed the most basic philosophical issue, which is the same problem of "existence". Maqsud Muhammedi was in charge of editing this work, conducting the necessary research for publishing it, and writing an Introduction to it.
4. Mathnawi
This treatise contains a selection of Mulla Sadra's mathnawis in Persian including some of his gnostic long narrations, philosophical advice, and memories of his seclusion period. The late Zabihullah Sahibkar edited this work and wrote an Introduction to it.
The fourth volume of An Anthology of Philosophical Treatises has been published under the Supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei in 564 pages by the Publications of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.