Collection of Philosophical Treatises, Vol. 1 (Ittisaf al-mahiyyat bil wujud, al-Tashakhkhus, Sarayan al-wujud, Ajwabat al-masa'il, al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah, al-Mizaj)
Six of Mulla Sadra's treatises have been published in the first volume of Collection of Philosophical Treatises along with their Persian translations. Their names are as follows:
1. Ittissaf al-mahiyyah bi al-wujud
2. al-Tashakhkhus
3. Sarayan al-wujud
4. Ajwabat al-masa'il li b'az al-khulan
5. al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah
6. al-Mizaj
In his Ittissaf al-mahiyyah bi al-wujud, Mulla Sadra discusses the quality of the predication of existence on quiddity, the related theories and ideas, the related criticisms, and some of the suggested solutions for the related problems. In al-Tashakhkhus, which consists of three parts, he talks about the quality of individuation and its criterion. He also advances three objections to the ideas of Dawani and Seyyed Sadr in this regard. In Sarayan al-wujud he investigates the quality of the relationship between Almighty Necessary, and existents and possible things in terms of unity and plurality of existence. These three treatises have been edited and translated by Seyyed Mahmud Yusuf Thani.
The treatise Ajwabat al-masa'il includes five questions which Mulla Sadra has responded to in detail. This treatise ends with some glosses by Seyyed Jalal al-Din Ashtiyani. One of Mulla Sadra's other precious treatises is called al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah. He has listed all of his philosophical ideas, which amount to 187 in number, in this book. His al-Mizaj also includes his thoughts and ideas about the problem of temperament, which is one of the important parts of natural philosophy. He analyzes Ibn Sina's theories in this regard in this treatise and brings his discussions to an end with a short reference to Aristotle's idea. These three treatises have been edited by Hamid Naji Isfahani. Moreover, the editors have written an independent and extensive Introduction to each of these six treatises.
The first volume of Collection of Philosophical Treatises has been published under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohamemd Khamenei in 492 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. The complete indexes of the Qur'anic verses, hadiths, poems, names of books, and people, and technical terms and expressions used in the treatises have also been provided at the end of the book.