Role of the Trans-Substantial Motion in the Formation of Man's Identity
Undoubtedly, the problem of Man and knowing his reality and existential angles is one of the most fundamental problems in the history of Islamic gnosis and philosophy. Some of the most important issues in philosophy and gnosis in the course of history have always included the following: what is the nature of human beings? What is the element of life? What is the process of life in essence?
From among all existents, Man is the only existent to whom thinkers, philosophers, and gnostics have paid particular attention. They have concentrated on the knowledge of his existential dimensions and called the human soul the manifestation of God in terms of the essence of its attributes and acts. They have also emphasized that the knowledge of the human soul is apriori to the knowledge of God and is one of the ways for attaining this knowledge.
Among Muslim philosophers, Mulla Sadra has presented a specific picture of the human beings and their place in the order of being through a combination of philosophical, gnostic, and religious anthropologies. This book intends to explain Man's process of development in the light of the trans-substantial motion innovated by Mulla Sadra and consists of six chapters, as follows:
Chapter 1: Trans-substantial motion and the soul
Chapter 2: Creatdness and the pre-eternity of the soul
Chapter 3: Trans-substantial motion and the immateriality of the soul
Chapter 4: Trans-substantial motion and the levels of man's theoretical and practical intellect
Chapter 5: Trans-substantial motion and death
Chapter 6: The role of the trans-substantial motion in the formation of human identity
The book The Role of the Trans-Substantial Motion in the Formation of Human Identity by Maryam Dijwar has been published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute in 206 pages.