Collection of the selected papers of the 10th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra , The Transcendent Philosophy and Man

This book is a collection of the selected papers of the 10th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra, which was held on 22 May 2007 in Tehran. It contains 23 papers. The titles and writers of some of them are as follows:

- Man and Possible Worlds, Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei

- Luminous Man and the Sadrian Tradition, Karim Mujtahidi

- Man and Philosophy, Reza Dawari

- The Meaning and Truth of Man in Mulla Sadra, Gholamreza A'awani

- Man's Ipseity in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy, Mansur Imanpur

- Man's worthy Place in the Order of Being, Marziyah Sadiqi

- The Soul-Body Relation in Mulla Sadra's View, Akbar Fayde'i

- Contemporary Man and "Self-knowledge" with a Specific View of Mulla Sadra's Transcendent Philosophy, Abdullah Niksirat

- The Ontological Level of Men and Women in the Transcendent Philosophy, Nasrin Damirchi