Man and World: Collection of the Selected Papers Presented in the 16th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra, 22 May 2012

The 16th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra, entitled "Man and World" was held on 22 May 2012. In this Conference, a number of thinkers and researchers in the field of philosophy discussed the general topic of "Man and World" in various areas, including: anthology, cosmology, place and role of philosophy and wisdom in portraying the correlated system of the world, etc. The product of this Conference is a collection of papers presented and published in the book Man and World: Collection of the Selected Papers Presented in the 16th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra. From among the 100 papers sent to the Conference, 44 of them were chosen by the Scientific Committee of the Conference after meticulous inspection. Interested readers can access the selected papers in this book.