The Transcendent Philosophy and the Contemporary Philosophical Thought

What is the Transcendent Philosophy? Which questions are posed in this school of philosophy, and how does it answer them? Can the Transcendent Philosophy create a relationship with contemporary philosophies? If the answer is yes, in which fields could they have some dialog with each other?

The above questions and many similar ones are usually asked by researchers in the field of philosophy and those who are familiar with both of these schools of philosophy, as well as by those who are interested in both traditional and modern philosophies and deal with them in their everyday life. Of course, all of them try to respond to them in some way.

One of the books that has attempted to compare the basic principles and concepts of these two types of philosophy is The Transcendent Philosophy and the Contemporary Philosophical Thought.

This work is a collection of philosophical articles by Reza Akbarian which have been previously published or presented in scientific and research journals and national and international conferences. Some of the articles in this collection are: "The Transcendent Philosophy and the Contemporary Philosophical Thought", "Predicative Existence in Kant and Mulla Sadra", "God in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy", and "The Development of Philosophy in the World of Islam".

This book, which includes twelve articles on different topics, has been published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute in 387 pages.