Glosses on the Qushchi's Commentary on Tajrid (An Attachment to Interpretation of Ayat al-Kursi)

The book of Tajrid al-itiqad by khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi and Qushchi's commentary on it are among important works on Kalam. Sammaki has written some glosses on the three sections of this commentary. The present book contains the third part of his glosses which aim to demonstrate the Creator and His attributes under the title of Ithbat Allah. Sammaki has written a valuable commentary on Ayat al-kursi. This work has been translated into Persian for the people of philosophy and kalam. After speaking of the virtues of reading Ayat al-kursi and referring to 10 advantages of this act under the title of 'Asharah Kamilah, which is on the Necessary Being and His affirmative and negative attributes, he has explained the distinctive features of this chapter.

These two works of Fakhr al-Din al-Husayni Sammaki, the prominent philosopher of the 10th century (AH) has been prepared in one volume in the octavo format in 340 pages by the Text Edition Department of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute and published by its Publication Center.

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