The Collection of the Selected Papers of the Conference on Farabi and the Establishment of Islamic Philosophy, 2010

 The ideas and works of Farabi as a philosopher who devoted a great amount of energy and thought to the establishment of Islamic philosophy are extremely valuable and deserve to be analyzed and explored by thinkers and philosophers. The present book includes the papers that were presented in the Conference on "Farabi and the Establishment of Islamic Philosophy" in 2010 by university professors and researchers.

This Conference was held by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and the History of Philosophy Group, and its purpose was to explore the hidden but fundamental dimensions of Farabi's philosophy and reveal its unity with present Islamic society and civilization. The presented papers are categorized in five groups: Farabi's biography and works, philosophy of metaphysics, theology, politics, and art and science.

The book "Farabi and the Establishment of Islamic Philosophy" has been published under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei in 528 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. Qasim Purhassan has conducted the required research for this book and edited it.