The Philosophy of Being a Woman

Nowadays, the discussion of woman and her place, identity, and functions has become very common and even turned into a means of gaining reputation. Some women have entered this discussion following a feminist approach, and some men, perhaps in order to attract the attention of this big group, have even gone to extremes in this regard and said or written some words that are at times very far from the reality. Some other people have also judged this issue erroneously and unfairly with their eyes closed to the existing facts.

The scientific solution to the problem of woman depends on correct and close-to-reality knowledge of both men and women. As long as this knowledge is not the center of discussion, our study of this issue will not be fruitful. We believe that there is only one solution to women's historical problem, and that is a return to the natural laws and the desires that nature has put in human beings. This is because whenever man lives in harmony with nature and does not swim against the torrent, he can live in peace and comfort and attain his rights. Nevertheless, when he does the opposite, he has to lead a difficult life and experience failure.

 The above lines come from the book The Philosophy of Being a Woman written by Professor Mohammed Khamenei.

The first part of this book (The Philosophy of Being a Woman) includes the following:


Chapter 1: Women in Christianity and Judaism

Chapter 2: Women in Nature

Chapter 3: Women in Society

Chapter 4: Islam and Women

The second part of the book (Women's Rights) consists of the following chapters:


Chapter 1: Women in the Western Worldview

Chapter 2: Women in the Islamic Worldview

Chapter 3: Another Glance at Women in the Islamic Worldview

Chapter 4: Natural Differences between Men and Women

Chapter 5: Sociological Differences between Men and Women

Chapter 6: Women's Social Role

Chapter 7: The Relation between Law and Worldview

Chapter 8: Women's Rights in Islam

Chapter 9: Differences between the Rights of Men and Women


This book has been published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute in 192  pages.