Man on the Path of Being, Volume 1

 Man and being are two realities that have always accompanied each other and never leave each other’s side. The more man stays in this world, the more he comes into being, and wherever he goes, being follows him, though in the form of the falcon of death. For man, being is a way like love; it is endless and difficult, and all of man’s efforts should be directed towards knowing, accompanying, and finding the essence of being because he has been made for the same reason.

This book is a collection of the papers by Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei on various philosophical and epistemological topics written on different occasions. These papers are classified into four general groups:

Part 1: Epistemology

Part 2: Ontology

Part 3: Philosophy and religion

Part 4: Psychology and anthropology

 The first volume of Man on the Path of Being by Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei has been translated into English by Dr. Roya Khoii and published by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute in 336 pages.