About us


Secretariat for the Translation of Mulla Sadra’s Works

The Translation Secretariat is one of the active departments of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, membered by translators, editors, and supervisors specializing in philosophy and literature. So far, this group have translated many of Mulla Sadra’s works, as well as those of other writers in the field of philosophy, into Persian, English, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Bulgarian, Bosnian, etc., and published them.


Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute (SIPRIn)
Building no. 12, Imam Khomeini Complex,
Resalat Highway, Tehran, Iran.
P.O.BOX 15875-6919,
Tel: 0098 21 8734686-9
Fax: 0098 21 8831817 -  0098 21 8153389
E-mail: SIPRIn@Mullasadra.org
Site: www.mullasadra.org