1 | A Comparison between the Ideas of Mulla Sadra and those of Piaget in Psychology | Ali Shariatmadari |
2 | Mulla Sadra on Eschatology | Ali Zamani Qumshai |
3 | The Nature of the Mind | Hassan Abdi |
4 | The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra with Special Reference to Eschatology of Ibn Sina | Hamidullah Marazi |
5 | The Process of Realization (tahqiq) : Mulla Sadra's Conception of the Barzakh and the Emerging Science of Spirituality | James Morris |
6 | Mulla Sadra's Idea of Soul-Body Relation and its Consquences in Psychology | Kamal Kharrazi |
7 | Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra's Arguments against Tanasukh in the Afterlife of Souls | Kiki Kennedy Day |
8 | Mulla Sadra's Philosophy of Platonic Spirit | Prof. Ayatullah Seyyed Muhammad Khamenei |
9 | The Origin of Man in Pre-Eternity and His Origination in Time:Mulla Sadra and Imami Shi'ite Tradition | Maria Dakake |
10 | Mind-Body Relationship According to Mulla Sadra | Latimah-Parvin Peerwani |
11 | The Eschaton and Justice in the Thought of Mulla Sadra | Gabriel Said Reynolds |
12 | Body-Mind Relationship with Regard to Life after Death according to Mulla Sadra | Turan Koc |